BlueOnyx 5209R (CentOS 7) EOL

Posted by: mstauber Category: General

We bid a fond farewell to BlueOnyx 5209R.

CentOS Linux 7 has reached its end of life (EOL) on June 30, 2024. And with that our BlueOnyx 5209R also is now equally considered EOL.

It has been quite a ride and we got a hell of a lot of usage out of it over the last ten years. CentOS 7 was released on 7th July 2014. The initial BlueOnyx 5209R (BETA) release was on 4th February 2015 and ever since it has been a reliable work-horse that powered many of our own servers and services as well as thousands of servers of our users worldwide.

But of course it eventually began to show its age and like us many of you have since moved on to newer versions of BlueOnyx, including our latest BlueOnyx 5211R.

If you are still running a BlueOnyx 5209R server, then you will notice that the official CentOS 7 YUM repositories will stop or have stopped serving updates and won't connect anymore. The BlueOnyx 5209R YUM repositories will however remain around for quite a bit longer. But you won't be receiving any OS updates anymore and we also have stopped developing or publishing fixes or updated versions of software for BlueOnyx 5209R.

To migrate the data from your BlueOnyx 5209R to BlueOnyx 5211R (or our slightly older 5210R) you can use our free Easy-Migrate, which will make that part a seamless transition.


Jun 30, 2024 Category: General Posted by: mstauber
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